The Vision
Amigos de Guadalupe Center for Justice and Empowerment has acquired this property and will now work with the community to help create a community-based vision for how to both honor and activate this sacred space.
Some possibilities may include a community-centered Interpretive Learning Center and a Center for Community Action, where youth and community members have space to gather, build relationships and build community, so that they can strategize on how best to advocate for the highest priority community needs. Teachings of non-violent resistance and community organizing will be central to the educational component of the Center. The Chavez Family has also offered historical documents and artifacts that would bring the Chavez history alive for the next generation of leaders and changemakers in San Jose.
Amigos de Guadalupe will be raising funds to restore and prepare the site and building for the next stage of its existence--an activation center for the community to include organizing history and practices and a variety of activities designed to lift the community up. We will be creating a community process to elicit input on what the community might want to see in this space.
We are envisioning this effort in 3 phases:
Phase 1: Purchase the home, to protect the cultural legacy for community
Phase 2: Visioning and Renovation, to engage in a community process to collect input on what the community wants to see in this space and begin necessary renovations
Phase 3: Activation, to begin operations of the space and build community pride through public access to this historic and meaningful site
Phase 1
Purchasing the Cesar Chavez Home
Amigos de Guadalupe is the proud owner of the Cesar Chavez home as of July 29th, 2022.
Phase 2
Community Discussion
Held at ACE Empower Academy where members of the surrounding community shared ideas of ways in which the Cesar Chavez Home can best serve our community.
Phase 3
Coming soon...